NYC Debate: Is ObamaCare Beyond Rescue?
On Wednesday 1/15/2015, Intelligence Squared will host a debate on the topic, "Obamacare Is Now Beyond Rescue":
With the disastrous launch of the website, critics of the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare,” were given more fuel for the fire. Is this political hot potato's inevitability once again at stake? And is the medical community really on board with the law, or resisting (rewriting?) it from the sidelines?
Panelists taking the "For" side include:
Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Practicing Physician & Former Deputy Commissioner, FDA
Megan McArdle, Writer and Columnist, Bloomberg View
On the "Against" side:
JonathanChait, Political Commentator and Columnist, New York Magazine
Dr. Douglas Kamerow, Family Physician & Former Assistant Surgeon General
The debate starts at 6:45 PM and will be moderated by John Donvan, Author & Correspondent for ABC News
The website includes a "LiveStreaming" tab for folks to watch online.
We are organizing a Tweet chat on Twitter at UPenn in the hopes of making it more interactive and engaging. We are promoting it on twitter to the general public and to radiology groups, other doctors groups and health policy groups...
The hashtag will be : #IQChat.
3 days ago