Thursday, November 8, 2012

An Epitaph for a Once Great Country

And Neither We Shall Have

"Last night I crawled into bed with my little girl, wrapped my arms tightly around her and wept for hours while she slept.

I wept for the loss of a country that was once the envy of the world—a republic that stood for freedom, opportunity, justice, and individual rights protected by the rule of law—its fearless and indivisible people known for their fierce individualism, exceptionalism, unwavering patriotism, and pride in their nation.

I wept for the degradation of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution, the greatest documents ever written, and the brilliant men who drafted them in attempts to secure our liberties by the rule of law. It was this rule of law that was the foundation for our republic, which became the greatest, most advanced nation the world has ever known, simply because government was limited and men were free.

I wept for the dreams and hopes of immigrants who risked their lives to escape the evils of communism and totalitarianism around the globe for the promise of freedom and opportunity in America. They are among the minority who truly understand the impact and future implications of yesterday’s election.

I wept for the heroes in uniform who bravely fought and died so that we could enjoy the liberties that have been the envy of every thinking man around the world, but that we have lazily come to take for granted. Thousands of these heroes’ voices were (purposely, in my opinion) silenced in this election...."

Please read the entire essay here.

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