Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Party of Victory in the US Election: The Islamist Party

Lest we lose sight of the grave international repercussions of the re-election of our treasonous, America -hating, UN -appeasing,  Narcissist-in-Chief... as Caroline Glick reports in the National Review, the winning party in the US election seems to be the Islamist party:

National Review article - The Party of Victory

""Next to the American people themselves, Israel is no doubt the biggest immediate loser in the U.S. presidential election. President Obama's foreign policy is predicated on the false notion that the U.S. and Israel themselves are the principal causes of the Islamic world's antipathy toward them. Consequently, Obama has cultivated the anti-American, genocidally anti-Jewish Muslim Brotherhood and facilitated the Brotherhood's takeover of Egypt and Tunisia and its gains in strength throughout the Middle East. In addition, Obama has appeased Iran's Islamist regime and has enabled it to reach the cusp of nuclear capability. 
. . .
"The jihadist assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi must be viewed as a sign of things to come, just as al-Qaeda's 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the 2000 bombing of the U.S.S. Cole were precursors of the 9/11 attack on the U.S. mainland. Obama is empowering the United States' worst enemies in the Sunni and Shiite Muslim worlds alike. Thereby emboldened, they place America at increased risk."

Hey, but we got free Obamaphones- at least some of us....

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