Sunday, October 14, 2012

What Do Actual Doctors Think About Obamacare Now? - Forbes

What Do Actual Doctors Think About Obamacare Now? - Forbes

"...we also recall when the AMA endorsed ObamaCare at its inception, an endorsement that led many Americans to believe America’s doctors supported the dramatic changes to the U.S. health care system.
The problem is that, unbeknownst to the public and the press, the AMA represents only about one fourth of the nation’s doctors.
Meanwhile, contrary to those doctors selected to legitimize ObamaCare in the staged media event (where the White House actually handed out white lab coats to generate the image of official credibility), an overwhelming 70 percent of doctors said, even back in 2011, that they disagreed with the AMA’s position on health reform, while only 13 percent agreed with it.  In fact, almost half of doctors in that survey even went so far as to say that the AMA stance on ObamaCare was the factor causing them to drop AMA membership.
What has happened to the opinion of doctors, now that ObamaCare has been examined in detail?
Moving the clock forward to this year, thousands of the nation’s doctors from all across the country engaged in the full spectrum of clinical practice have had the chance to digest the content of ObamaCare and to see the early impact of the law. Without the filtering by the president’s staff, and after far more exposure of the details in the ACA, the nation’s doctors have twice expressed their views about ObamaCare.
This past February, 60 percent of more than 5,000 doctors surveyed said the Obama health law would have a negative impact on patient care, while only 22 percent thought it would be positive. And more than half thought it would have a negative impact on their relationships with patients, while only 11 percent thought the doctor-patient relationship would be better. 
A startling 43 percent said the health care reform itself would likely lead them to retire over the next 5 years, and only 37 percent said that was an unlikely consequence of this law. 
It is worth repeating that sentiment to understand the impact of ObamaCare – it is viewed as being so destructive that almost half of doctors said they would “likely” soon retire directly because of the law itself."
Read the whole thing.

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